salsa20_test.go 3.7 KB

  1. // Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
  3. // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
  4. package salsa20
  5. import (
  6. "bytes"
  7. "encoding/hex"
  8. "testing"
  9. )
  10. func fromHex(s string) []byte {
  11. ret, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
  12. if err != nil {
  13. panic(err)
  14. }
  15. return ret
  16. }
  17. // testVectors was taken from set 6 of the ECRYPT test vectors:
  18. // http://www.ecrypt.eu.org/stream/svn/viewcvs.cgi/ecrypt/trunk/submissions/salsa20/full/verified.test-vectors?logsort=rev&rev=210&view=markup
  19. var testVectors = []struct {
  20. key []byte
  21. iv []byte
  22. numBytes int
  23. xor []byte
  24. }{
  25. {
  26. fromHex("0053A6F94C9FF24598EB3E91E4378ADD3083D6297CCF2275C81B6EC11467BA0D"),
  27. fromHex("0D74DB42A91077DE"),
  28. 131072,
  29. fromHex("C349B6A51A3EC9B712EAED3F90D8BCEE69B7628645F251A996F55260C62EF31FD6C6B0AEA94E136C9D984AD2DF3578F78E457527B03A0450580DD874F63B1AB9"),
  30. },
  31. {
  32. fromHex("0558ABFE51A4F74A9DF04396E93C8FE23588DB2E81D4277ACD2073C6196CBF12"),
  33. fromHex("167DE44BB21980E7"),
  34. 131072,
  35. fromHex("C3EAAF32836BACE32D04E1124231EF47E101367D6305413A0EEB07C60698A2876E4D031870A739D6FFDDD208597AFF0A47AC17EDB0167DD67EBA84F1883D4DFD"),
  36. },
  37. {
  38. fromHex("0A5DB00356A9FC4FA2F5489BEE4194E73A8DE03386D92C7FD22578CB1E71C417"),
  39. fromHex("1F86ED54BB2289F0"),
  40. 131072,
  41. fromHex("3CD23C3DC90201ACC0CF49B440B6C417F0DC8D8410A716D5314C059E14B1A8D9A9FB8EA3D9C8DAE12B21402F674AA95C67B1FC514E994C9D3F3A6E41DFF5BBA6"),
  42. },
  43. {
  44. fromHex("0F62B5085BAE0154A7FA4DA0F34699EC3F92E5388BDE3184D72A7DD02376C91C"),
  45. fromHex("288FF65DC42B92F9"),
  46. 131072,
  47. fromHex("E00EBCCD70D69152725F9987982178A2E2E139C7BCBE04CA8A0E99E318D9AB76F988C8549F75ADD790BA4F81C176DA653C1A043F11A958E169B6D2319F4EEC1A"),
  48. },
  49. }
  50. func TestSalsa20(t *testing.T) {
  51. var inBuf, outBuf []byte
  52. var key [32]byte
  53. for i, test := range testVectors {
  54. if test.numBytes%64 != 0 {
  55. t.Errorf("#%d: numBytes is not a multiple of 64", i)
  56. continue
  57. }
  58. if test.numBytes > len(inBuf) {
  59. inBuf = make([]byte, test.numBytes)
  60. outBuf = make([]byte, test.numBytes)
  61. }
  62. in := inBuf[:test.numBytes]
  63. out := outBuf[:test.numBytes]
  64. copy(key[:], test.key)
  65. XORKeyStream(out, in, test.iv, &key)
  66. var xor [64]byte
  67. for len(out) > 0 {
  68. for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
  69. xor[i] ^= out[i]
  70. }
  71. out = out[64:]
  72. }
  73. if !bytes.Equal(xor[:], test.xor) {
  74. t.Errorf("#%d: bad result", i)
  75. }
  76. }
  77. }
  78. var xSalsa20TestData = []struct {
  79. in, nonce, key, out []byte
  80. }{
  81. {
  82. []byte("Hello world!"),
  83. []byte("24-byte nonce for xsalsa"),
  84. []byte("this is 32-byte key for xsalsa20"),
  85. []byte{0x00, 0x2d, 0x45, 0x13, 0x84, 0x3f, 0xc2, 0x40, 0xc4, 0x01, 0xe5, 0x41},
  86. },
  87. {
  88. make([]byte, 64),
  89. []byte("24-byte nonce for xsalsa"),
  90. []byte("this is 32-byte key for xsalsa20"),
  91. []byte{0x48, 0x48, 0x29, 0x7f, 0xeb, 0x1f, 0xb5, 0x2f, 0xb6,
  92. 0x6d, 0x81, 0x60, 0x9b, 0xd5, 0x47, 0xfa, 0xbc, 0xbe, 0x70,
  93. 0x26, 0xed, 0xc8, 0xb5, 0xe5, 0xe4, 0x49, 0xd0, 0x88, 0xbf,
  94. 0xa6, 0x9c, 0x08, 0x8f, 0x5d, 0x8d, 0xa1, 0xd7, 0x91, 0x26,
  95. 0x7c, 0x2c, 0x19, 0x5a, 0x7f, 0x8c, 0xae, 0x9c, 0x4b, 0x40,
  96. 0x50, 0xd0, 0x8c, 0xe6, 0xd3, 0xa1, 0x51, 0xec, 0x26, 0x5f,
  97. 0x3a, 0x58, 0xe4, 0x76, 0x48},
  98. },
  99. }
  100. func TestXSalsa20(t *testing.T) {
  101. var key [32]byte
  102. for i, test := range xSalsa20TestData {
  103. out := make([]byte, len(test.in))
  104. copy(key[:], test.key)
  105. XORKeyStream(out, test.in, test.nonce, &key)
  106. if !bytes.Equal(out, test.out) {
  107. t.Errorf("%d: expected %x, got %x", i, test.out, out)
  108. }
  109. }
  110. }
  111. var (
  112. keyArray [32]byte
  113. key = &keyArray
  114. nonce [8]byte
  115. msg = make([]byte, 1<<10)
  116. )
  117. func BenchmarkXOR1K(b *testing.B) {
  118. b.StopTimer()
  119. out := make([]byte, 1024)
  120. b.StartTimer()
  121. for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  122. XORKeyStream(out, msg[:1024], nonce[:], key)
  123. }
  124. b.SetBytes(1024)
  125. }