#data #errors 21: Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “”. 31: “frameset” start tag seen. 31: End of file seen and there were open elements. #document | | | #data
bar #errors 47: End tag “table” did not match the name of the current open element (“svg”). 47: “table” closed but “caption” was still open. 47: End tag “table” seen, but there were open elements. 36: Unclosed element “svg”. #document | | | | | |
| | "foo" | "bar" #data
#errors 7: Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “”. 30: A table cell was implicitly closed, but there were open elements. 26: Unclosed element “desc”. 20: Unclosed element “svg”. 37: Stray end tag “desc”. 45: End of file seen and there were open elements. 45: Unclosed element “circle”. 7: Unclosed element “table”. #document | | | | | | |
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